GridGame GTH
This is a recreation of my puzzle game Gate to Heaven, but in HTML, CSS and Javascript. Its just the puzzle. I made this in 3 days, so there could be some bugs. The puzzle is slightly different from the Gate to Heaven one.
Use you mouse of finger to click. To swap colors, click the circle of press space
Here is how to solve it:
Your goal is to light up the correct cubes.
The colors are purely there to mark to which color each cube belongs.
There is a secret 6 digit code. This code will tell you howmany cubes of each color need to be lit.
To reveal this code, you need to light exactly 1 of each color.
The color of the digit tells you to which color this number is pointing.
When the color of the digit is white, it only displays the amount of cubes lit up for that color.
Lighting all the cubes will tell you howmany of each color there are.
Validating tells you which colors are correctly assigned, and will also update the digits on the scoreboard.
You can validate every 10 seconds, this cooldown is to prevent spamming it.
A green border means the color is correct, a red border means the color is incorrect, and no/black border means the cube is white/colorless.
The best way to figure out all the colors is by making the whole grid that color while everything is unlit/untoggled.
Validate and light all cubes with a green border. Now try the next color and color untoggled (use the button, is faster).
Do this for all colors until it validates all green.
Once all colors are known, light 1 of each, validate and look at the code. Now light the amount of cubes of the color the digit is in.
For example, if the red digit says '4', you light 4 red cubes.
Dont worry about the background color, this color only shows which 1 cube color you lit to reveal the infomation
Once every correct amount of cubes has been lit, click solve. You solved it (kinda, using this walkthrough is kinda cheating).
Development log
- GridGame GTH released64 days ago
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