New update! Joost Klein, generated music, new countries and more

I have been working the past few weeks on this new update. Thanks for all the comments, feedback and suggestions. I havent been able to implement everything, but this new update contains alot of new features. Im especially proud of the music generation, which took quite some time to figure out. Thanks for playing!

Whats new in this update:

  • Joost Klein has been added as an artist and also as a playable character. Start a delegation with the name "Joost Klein".
  • Delegation decrease in new season fixed
  • Updated all the country stats according for this years song contest. Switzerland is the new host country.
  • Generated playable songs for each performance. Each song is assigned 1 of 7 genres with a song generated based on this genre and the song rating.
  • Added 12 new countries have been added. See the other devlog for more information.
  • Added sound effects for all buttons
  • Ability to see the voting distribution. After the Grand Final you will be able to see who voted for who on the result screen in View Contest > Allocation. Here you can select the participant from which you want to see the voting distribution.
  • Fixed issue where wrong hostcountry got displayed
  • Added a button to randomize the songname

I have added Joost Klein to the game. I am from the Netherlands and I have been rooting for Joost during this years Eurovision. Sadly he and his friends were disqualified, which was such a shame. For this reason I have decided to add him to my game.

Files Play in browser
May 17, 2024


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the Joost easter egg is so cute, i love it sm